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His Excellency Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja's picture
  • Presidente de la Junta de Gobierno
  • Vocal de la Sección 2ª
  • Vocal de la Comisión de Admisiones
  • Presidente de la Comisión de Gobierno Interior

Date of Entry: 



Medal members:


Liquidez e inflación en el proceso microeconómico de inversión


His Excellency Dr. Mario Pifarré Riera

Curriculum Vitae

Jaime Gil Aluja (Reus, 1936) doctor in Economic Science at the University of Barcelona and Professor of Finance and Economy at this same university.  He forms part of the first group to obtain a degree in this Catalan teaching and research centre.  With a teaching career spanning forty-five years, he is currently “Emeritus Professor” of the Spanish University.

He is Academician of the eleven following academies: Romanian Academy (Romania), Delphinal Academy (France), Academy of Natural Science (Russia), International Academy of Information Science (Russia), Byelorussian Academy of Engineering (Bielorussia), International Academy of Modern Sciences (Azerbaijan Republic), World Academy of Art and Science, Academy of Sciences and Arts (Montenegro), Academy of Sciences and Arts of Republic Srspka (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Austria). Since february 2002 he is President of the Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences (Spain).
He has been invested as Doctor “Honoris Causa” at the following thirty one Public Universities: University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), University of Sofia (Bulgaria), Economic University of Belarus (Minsk), University of Santiago of Cuba (Cuba), University of Reggio Calabria, (Italy), University of Vigo (Spain), Rovira i Virgili University (Spain), University of Lipetsk, (Russia), State University of Nicolaev (Ucraine), University of Perpignan (France), University of León (Spain), University of La Réunion (France), University of Bordeaux (France), University of Messina (Italy), University of Astana (Kazakhastan), University of Gerona (Spain), University of Petrosani (Romania), State Centre for Research Development, Morelia (Mexico), University Juan Carlos de Madrid (Spain), Azerbaijan State Economic University (Azerbaijan Republic), University Santiago de Compostela (Spain), University of West Timisoara (Romania), State University of Belarus (Minsk), Odlar Yurdu University (Azerbaijan Republic), Technical University of Crete (Greece), University “Lucian Blaga”of Sibiu (Romania), University of Málaga (Spain), University Siglo 21 of Córdoba (Argentina), Academy of Economics Studies of Moldovia, University of Extremadura (Spain) and Academy of Economics Studies from Bucharest (Romania).

He has been distinguished both at spanish and international degree with the Great Cross  of Alfonso X El Sabio (Spain), Moisil Medal (Romania), Calabria Prize (Italy), Official of  the Order of Academic Palmes (France), Chevalier of Order of Civil Merit (France), Commander of the Order of Throne (Marroc),  Medal of Bicentenary (Venezuela), Medal of Gold of Crete (Greece), Honor Medal of the National Institute of Inventica (Romania), Medal of the Academy of Montpelier (France), Medal of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (Italy), Medal of the University of Bordeaux (France), Medal of the Academy Sciences (Poland), The International Kaufmann Award (Spain) and Gold and Diamond Medal of F.C. Barcelona (Spain) where he had carried out the presidency of the Statutory Economic Committee of Barça for 14 years. In 2010 he recives the Barcelona Key.

He is a member of international teaching and research organisations. He is President of the International Society for Fuzzy Management and Economy (SIGEF), of the Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE). He was President of the European Association for Management and Economy (AEDEM), Member of the Conseil Scientifique et de Recherche de l’INSEAC of Bordeaux, Member Founder of the European Foundation for Management Development (Brussels), and Member of the International Advisory Committee of the International School for Information Technology (ISIT) of Andhra Pradesh (India).  The 5th june 2013 ha has been elected Member of Council of the Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe (Lausanne).

He has participated on the editorial and scientific board of 20 highly prestigious publications, and he has takes part of 131 Scientific and Organisation Committees in nationals and internationals scientific conferences. He has been chairman of 49 international conferences.

He is considered the father of the new theory of uncertainty due to the fact of the development of multivalent logic in the sphere of economics and management. We can sumerize his continued activity through more than 200 scientific works published in several reviews, 30 books that are pioneers in the sphere of the treatment of uncertainty within the field of business management. Introducción de la teoría de los subconjuntos borrosos a la gestión de las empresas [Introduction of the Theory of Fuzzy Sub-sets to Business Management], as well as the recent one. “Towards an Advanced Modelling of Complex Economic Phenomena” (ed. Springer, 2012). His works have been published and translated into Spanish, English, Italian, Russian, French, Catalan and Romanian.

Throughout his working life, he combined his main activity, research, with business and financial institution management. On June 1st 1960 he was appointed as Senior Manager of the Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo, S.A. (SEAT)  until the October 30th  1968, where he became responsible as Technical and Economic Adviser to the General Management of this company until April 30th  1985, when  he ceased all activity in SEAT, as a consequence of the Spanish Law on incompatibility.

From January 1st  1969 until April  1985 he carried on the free profession of economist co-operating with several economic and financial companies. He was Managing Director of the Compañía de Desarrollo y Financiación, S.A. (Codefinsa) since its foundation until the February  1st 1973; of the Sociedad General Eurofianza, S.A. (Eurofinanza), since  its foundation on the February 1st  1973 until September 5th  1983, and of the Fondo Internacional de Pintura, S.A.” (FIPSA) since its foundation on March 28th 1973 until  September 5th  1994. He also occupied the office of Manager of the Studies Department at the Asociación de Promotores y Constructores de Edificios (APCE) of Barcelona since November 1st 1978 to April 30th  1985. He is member of General Council of La Caixa since April 23th  2009. Since  May 11th  2009  he is Control Comision President of this financial institution, until  July 31th  2012.

From 2010 until April 2013 he is member of the Board of Directors of Sanef, Société Autoroutes du Nord-Est de la France SA (Paris). On April 26th 2013 he is designed member of Consultant Council of Abertis (Spain). On November 30th 2012 is member of the Board of VidaCaixa Group SA. On July 15th 2013, he becomes member of the Directive Board of the “VidaCaixa de Seguros y Reaseguros, sociedad unipersonal” On July 15th he finished his works at the Group “La Caixa”.

In 1988 he was elected President of the Statutary-Economic Committee of the Barcelona Football Club (Barça), which office he occupied until the 20th of February 2002. From the 20th of October 1994 he co-operated with Barça as a member of the Cultural Committee of the Club. On being elected President of the Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences of Spain he ceases all responsibilities in the Barcelona Football Club.


A. Kaufmann, J. Gil Aluja: "Introducción de la teoría de los subconjuntos borrosos a la gestión de las empresas" (Ed.Milladoiro)
A. Kaufmann, J. Gil Aluja: "Técnicas operativas de gestión para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre" (Ed. Hispano Europea)
A. Kaufmann, J. Gil Aluja: "Modelos para la investigación de efectos olvidados" (Ed. Milladoiro)
A. Kaufmann, J. Gil Aluja: "Vvedenie teorii nechetkij mnozhestv v upravlenii predpriiatiiami"
A. Kaufmann, J. Gil Aluja: "Novye matematicheskie modeli i metody v upravlenii"
Actividades del Curso Académico 2013-2014
Actividades del Curso Académico 2014-2015
Actividades del Curso Académico 2015-2016
Actividades del Curso Académico 2016-2017
Actividades del Curso Académico 2017-2018
CV abreviado inglés
CV abreviado francés
CV abreviado catalán
CV detallado español
CV detallado francés
CV detallado catalán
CV detallado inglés


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