The Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras has among its members nine academicians recognized with the Nobel prize in economics.
His Excellency Dr. Antoni Castells Oliveres
- Vocal de la Sección 1ª
Date of Entry:
#16- His Excellency Mr. Jaime Fanés Casas †
- His Excellency Mr. Joaquín Forn Costa †
- His Excellency Dr. Antoni Castells Oliveres
His Excellency Dr. Dídac Ramírez SarrióCurriculum Vitae
(Barcelona 1950) holds a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences and is currently Professor of Public Finance at the University of Barcelona. He has been a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and was the director of the Economics Institute of Barcelona (UB) until 2003. He is the director of europeG, an opinion and discussion group on issues related to political economy; chairs the Advisory Council of the Catalunya-Europa Foundation; sits on the Advisory Board of Funcas; and is a member of Spain’s Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences. He has been a member of the Public Audit Office of Catalonia (1984-1989); an elected member of the Parliament of Catalonia for the PSC (1992, 2003 and 2006); member of the State-Generalitat Joint Evaluations Commission (1989-1996); the Spanish representative before the European Court of Auditors (1994-2000); the Secretary of Economy on the PSC Executive Committee (2000-2011) and the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat of Catalonia (2003-2010). He specializes in fiscal federalism, the economics of the welfare state, regional economics and economic questions related to the process of European integration.
He is the author of various articles in journals that include European Economic Review, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Government and Policy, Économies et Sociétés, Revista de Economía Pública, Hacienda Pública Española, Investigaciones Económicas and Papeles de Economía Española. He has also written various books and book chapters, published, among others, by the Clarendon Press, Ariel, Ashgate and Edward Elgar.
Castells, A.; Castells, M.; García, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.: “IstheEuropeanUnionreallymovingtoward a Fiscal Union?” , PolicyBrief 3, EuropeG, December 2012.
Castells, A.; Castells, M.; García, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.: “Competitiveness and deleveraging in Spain: thechallengesahead”, PolicyBrief 2, EuropeG, July 2012.
Castells, A.: “El desafío de la política. Europa y la gran recesión”, RBA, Barcelona, 2012.
Castells, A.; Castells, M.; García, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.: “Towards a European Federal Union: monetaryintegration and politicalsovereignty”, PolicyBrief 1, EuropeG, March 2012.
Castells, A.; Solé, A.: “The regional allocationofinfrastructureinvestment: The role ofequity, efficiency and politicalfactors”, EuropeanEconomicReview, núm. 49/2005, págs. 1165-1205, 2005.
Castells, A.; Esteller, A.; Vilalta, M.: “TaxCapacity and Fiscal Equalization: The Case ofSpanish Local Governments”, en Reformsof Local Fiscal Equalization in Europe, G. Färber y N. Otter (eds.), ForschungsinstitutfürÖffentlicheVerwaltung, SpeyererForschungsberichte 232, Speyer (RFA), págs. 297-338, 2003.
Castells, A.: “The Role ofIntergovernmentalFinance in AchievingDiversity and Cohesion: The Case ofSpain”, en Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in FragmentedSocieties, Richard Bird y Thomas Stauffer (eds.), Helbing&Lichtenham, Basilea, págs. 77-106, 2001.
Castells, A.; Solé, A.: “Cuantificación de las necesidades de gasto de las Comunidades Autónomas: metodología y aplicación pràctica”, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid, 2000.
Barberán, R.; Bosch, N.; Castells, A.; Espasa, M.; Rodrigo, F.; Ruiz-Huerta, J.: “Las balanzas fiscales de las Comunidades Autónomas (1991-1996): Análisis de los flujos fiscales de las Comunidades Autónomas con la Administración Central”, Ariel, Barcelona, 2000.
Castells, A.: “Factores explicativos del gasto público: una aproximación empírica”, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (colección “Estudios de Hacienda Pública”), Madrid, 1991. Castells, A.: “Hacienda autonómica. Una perspectiva de federalismo fiscal”, Ariel, Barcelona, 1988.Castells, Antoni (Barcelona 1950)holds a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences and is currently Professor of Public Finance at the University of Barcelona. He has been a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and was the director of the Economics Institute of Barcelona (UB) until 2003. He is the director of europeG, an opinion and discussion group on issues related to political economy; chairs the Advisory Council of the Catalunya-Europa Foundation; sits on the Advisory Board of Funcas; and is a member of Spain’s Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences. He has been a member of the Public Audit Office of Catalonia (1984-1989); an elected member of the Parliament of Catalonia for the PSC (1992, 2003 and 2006); member of the State-Generalitat Joint Evaluations Commission (1989-1996); the Spanish representative before the European Court of Auditors (1994-2000); the Secretary of Economy on the PSC Executive Committee (2000-2011) and the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat of Catalonia (2003-2010). He specializes in fiscal federalism, the economics of the welfare state, regional economics and economic questions related to the process of European integration.
He is the author of various articles in journals that include European Economic Review, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Government and Policy, Économies et Sociétés, Revista de Economía Pública, Hacienda Pública Española, Investigaciones Económicas and Papeles de Economía Española. He has also written various books and book chapters, published, among others, by the Clarendon Press, Ariel, Ashgate and Edward Elgar.
Castells, A.; Castells, M.; García, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.: “IstheEuropeanUnionreallymovingtoward a Fiscal Union?” , PolicyBrief 3, EuropeG, December 2012.
Castells, A.; Castells, M.; García, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.: “Competitiveness and deleveraging in Spain: thechallengesahead”, PolicyBrief 2, EuropeG, July 2012.
Castells, A.: “El desafío de la política. Europa y la gran recesión”, RBA, Barcelona, 2012.
Castells, A.; Castells, M.; García, G.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.: “Towards a European Federal Union: monetaryintegration and politicalsovereignty”, PolicyBrief 1, EuropeG, March 2012.
Castells, A.; Solé, A.: “The regional allocationofinfrastructureinvestment: The role ofequity, efficiency and politicalfactors”, EuropeanEconomicReview, núm. 49/2005, págs. 1165-1205, 2005.
Castells, A.; Esteller, A.; Vilalta, M.: “TaxCapacity and Fiscal Equalization: The Case ofSpanish Local Governments”, en Reformsof Local Fiscal Equalization in Europe, G. Färber y N. Otter (eds.), ForschungsinstitutfürÖffentlicheVerwaltung, SpeyererForschungsberichte 232, Speyer (RFA), págs. 297-338, 2003.
Castells, A.: “The Role ofIntergovernmentalFinance in AchievingDiversity and Cohesion: The Case ofSpain”, en Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in FragmentedSocieties, Richard Bird y Thomas Stauffer (eds.), Helbing&Lichtenham, Basilea, págs. 77-106, 2001.
Castells, A.; Solé, A.: “Cuantificación de las necesidades de gasto de las Comunidades Autónomas: metodología y aplicación pràctica”, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid, 2000.
Barberán, R.; Bosch, N.; Castells, A.; Espasa, M.; Rodrigo, F.; Ruiz-Huerta, J.: “Las balanzas fiscales de las Comunidades Autónomas (1991-1996): Análisis de los flujos fiscales de las Comunidades Autónomas con la Administración Central”, Ariel, Barcelona, 2000.
Castells, A.: “Factores explicativos del gasto público: una aproximación empírica”, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales (colección “Estudios de Hacienda Pública”), Madrid, 1991. Castells, A.: “Hacienda autonómica. Una perspectiva de federalismo fiscal”, Ariel, Barcelona, 1988.
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