Error message

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1439 of /home/racefe5/public_html/includes/
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  • Notice: Undefined index: uid in eval() (line 1 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/views/plugins/ : eval()'d code).
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His Excellency Dr. José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado

His Excellency Dr. José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado's picture

Date of Entry: 



Medal members:


La financiación de la Unión Europea


His Excellency Mr. Lorenzo Gascón

Passed away on: 


Curriculum Vitae

(Madrid, 1935). Member of European Parliament 1989-2004. (President 1997-99); Born 17 June 1935; Education: University of Deusto and University of Salamanca; Lector in Law; University of Comlutense, 1959; Comité Director, Federation of Christian Democrats, Spain, 1972. European Parliament: President, Institutional Affairs Committee, 1991; Vice-president, 1994. President: European Mouvement International, 1999-2005; European Parliament Former Member Association, 2006-2009; Jean Monnet European Foundation, 2009-2015, Freeman, City of Salamanca, 1998. Honoris. Fellow, Catholic University of Chile, 1998. Doctor Honoris Causa State Institution for International Relations, Moscow, 1998, Doctor Honoris Causa University, Sofia, 1999. Robert Schuman Medal; Gold Medal, City of Athens; Order of Francisco Morazán (Central American Parliament), 1997; Silver Medal of Galicia, 2000. Medalla del Mérito Agrícola (Spain); Grand Cross, Order of Isabel la Católica (Spain), 2000; Order European Merit (Spain), 2006; Medal of the Republic (Uruguay), 1998; Grand Cross: Order of Merit (Chile), 1998; Order of Liberator San Martin (Argentina), 1998; <order Antonio José de Irizarri (Guatemala), 1999; Officer, Legion of Honour (France), 2000. Publications: Derecho de huelga, 1961; Comentarios a la ley de arrendamientos rústicos, 1981; Legislación agraria básica, 1986; Control y autonomías, 1986; Los derechos del europeo, 1993; Los Parlamentos de Europa y el Parlamento Europeo, 1997; Pasión por Europa, 2002.

CV detallado
Actividades del Curso Académico 2013-2014
Actividades del Curso Académico 2014-2015
Actividades del Curso Académico 2015-2016


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