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Economic-financial Research Observatory

What is the Observatory?

The Economic-Financial Research Observatory, with its own structure within the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras, commenced operating in May of 2009, as a result of the cooperation between the Govern and the Academy, with the object of becoming a body of economic-financial reference and to develop research projects in those subjects that concern us.

The Solemn Act of presentation of the Observatory took place in Madrid, in the Senate with the participation of the President of the Senate, The Minister for Science and Innovation as well as the President of our Royal Corporation.

The Governing Body of the RACEF in December of 2010 valued the actions of the Observatory very positively and considered that it was convenient to expand its research activities, with the object of providing more support for a greater and more effective international projection of our businesses, assuming the important challenge of carrying out studies of serious and objective research in sectorial spheres and / or countries of interest for the national economy.

Intellectual capital and programming of our activities

The team that is responsible for carrying out the programmed projects is made up, as it should be, of personalities of a very high international prestige on the subject of economy and is headed up by as Honorary President by Finn E. Kydland, winner of the Noble Prize for Economy in 2004 and corresponding member of our Royal Institution.

Direction and Coordination of the projects will be the responsibility of Academician Ana Mª Gil Lafuente, who will direct the working group, comprised of accredited professors.

Academicians have been invited to form a part of the Scientific Supervision Committee with the object of guaranteeing the quality of the works that are presented in the name of the RACEF.

Programme for future international economic-financial studies

The desire to be able to offer Spanish businesses a half yearly report requires the constant up-dating of the programme and the evaluation of the available human resources.

The Observatory is currently preparing three new projects: the first with Colombia, with the participation of the main universities and other higher education institutions in the country; the second with Kazakhstan, with which the Government Institute of Economic Research signed in late 2016 a collaboration agreement with RACEF, and in the third place with Belarus, for which a collaboration agreement has been sustained with Dr. Sergey V. Ablameyko, Rector of Belarusian State University and RACEF Academician.


Watch video of the presentation in Youtube

Watch video of the report "New markets for economic recovery: Azerbaijan" in Youtube

Read the report "New markets for economic recovery: Azerbaijan" (PDF file, 6.14M)

Read the report "Exploring news markets: Ukraine" (PDF file, 6.49M)

Read the report "Strategies development for sustainable economic cooperation between Spain and Mexico"

Read the report "Cuba and the New Foreign Investments Law: challenges and opportunities for catalan economy"

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