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His Excellency Dr. Enrique López González

Curriculum Vitae

(León, 1960). Doctor in Economics from the University of Oviedo and Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting from the University of León. Since 1983 when he began his teaching at the University of Oviedo, the academic career of Enrique López has evolved to be placed in a context of advanced research. It focuses initially on issues specific to the Theory of Accounting as an Information System. Progressively, their work has focused on the treatment of information in an environment of uncertainty and complexity for making management decisions in the search for competitive advantages. In this journey, he has promoted interdisciplinary studies directed towards a possibility of using methods and algorithms in real problems. The contribution of his research effort has been officially recognized with three years of research.
It has 184 scientific publications. Among them, the papers and communications to International and National Scientific Congresses that exceed the hundred and 42 are books and book chapters in prestigious scientific publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Pyramid, Springer, Kluwer, Prentice Hall and Phisica Verlag. Thus, by way of example, could stand out: "Techniques of control of execution in the strategic direction of the Public Administration", National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), 1989, ISBN 84-7088-484-0, and "A Linguistic Decision Model for Suppliers Selection in International Purchasing", in Zadeh, L. and Kacprizyk, J. (eds.): "Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems", Physica-Verlag, 1999, p. 500-524, ISBN 3-7908-1218-8.
His research work has earned recognition for its innovation. Among its scientific works, 23 are articles published in journals of scientific excellence listed by their impact index: Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, Harvard-Deusto Finance and Accounting, Fuzzy Economic Review, European Research on Business Management and Economics, Journal Iberoamerican Artificial Intelligence, European Journal of Operations Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, European Journal of Business Management and Economics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Mathware & Soft Computing.
He has led and concurred in 25 research projects funded in official calls at European, national, regional and local level. He has directed 9 doctoral theses and 26 works of end of career, end of degree or research sufficiency. He has collaborated as an anonymous evaluator in more than a dozen International Scientific Journals and several Institutions and is a member of several Editorial Boards and of various Scientific Societies and University Research Institutes, intervening in numerous Committees of International and National Scientific Congresses. He also has extensive experience in work done for industrial and financial companies. His work as a project inspector for AENOR and in the supervision of several R + D + i projects for the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP) is noteworthy. Although his academic work has been very focused on research, he has actively contributed to administrative tasks and collaboration with the university community, acting in various university management positions and participating in very different evaluation processes.

CV detallado
Discurso de ingreso como Académico Correspondiente

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