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His Excellency Dr. Vicente Liern Carrión

His Excellency Dr. Vicente Liern Carrión's picture
  • Presidente de la Sección 3ª
  • Vocal de la Comisión de Publicaciones
  • Presidente de la Sección Tercera del Órgano Asesor

Date of Entry: 





Her Excellency Dr. Ana María Gil Lafuente

Curriculum Vitae

(Paterna, Valencia, 1964). Degree in mathematics from the University of Valencia in 1987, specializing in Mechanics and Astronomy and in 1991 specializing in Mathematics General. He gets the Bachelor Degree by Thesis with the highest rating of Outstanding. In 1995 he received his doctorate in the program of Theoretical Physics at the University of Valencia, obtaining the highest rating of Cum Laude. He has won as opposed four-seater official: in 1988 Professor of Baccalaureate in 1995 Title of University School in 1999 Owner of University and in 2010 from University Professor, the last three in the area of ​​Finance and Accounting where he remained from 1991, full-time at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Valencia. Since May 2014 is Academician of the Royal Academy of Doctors. It belongs to several scientific organizations such as the International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy, the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Society of Education of Valencia and the Catalan Society of Mathematics. Emphasizing its paticipación in Spanish Association of University Teachers Mathematics for Economics and Business where he is a member of the Board. For more than six years, he has been Director of the Department of Mathematics for Economics and Business of the University of Valencia and an elected member of the Standing Committee on Research your university, where he served more than 10 years. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Faculty of Economics since 2004 and the Board of Governors of the University of Valencia. He has been co-director of the journal Matemáticas en Breve, published by the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society and since 2012 is editor of the magazine Rect@, which publishes related theory articles and applications of Mathematics and Statistics in the field of Economics and company, and is referenced in several scientific bases among which Scimago journal Rank, is responsible for the publication of Annals of ASEPUMA and coordinator of the magazine section Musymáticas SUMA. In the field of scientific production, to date he has authored or co-authored 57 articles indexed in magazines belonging to the ISI Web of Knowledge, Journal Citation Reports or Scimago Journal Rank of 27 articles indexed in the catalog Latindex and Zentralblatt MATH of 8 papers published in other scientific and information technology for flexible application StaffManager recruitment magazines. One of these works implements a method of selecting portfolios, now known as León-Liern-Vercher's Method, which has been widely used. Other works on Inveriones have been featured by magazines as the most consulted. As for other media publication, we include 17 book chapters, most published in prestigious international publishers like Springer or World Scientific and five complete books. One of these books is the text of Mathematics for Economics and Business recommended by several Spanish and Latin American universities. He has presented more than 120 papers at conferences, mostly international outlined in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index. He was president of the organization of international conferences on 5 occasions and member of 24 scientific committees. He has served as referee board of 26 international conferences, reviewer for 18 journals indexed and chairman in 17 conference sessions. He is a member of the editorial board of three international journals. He has given more than 40 scientific and popular lectures in several countries, having been selected twice by the Spanish Federation of Teachers of Mathematics to develop the material and say videoconferencing School Maths Day in 2008 and in 2012. He has directed six doctoral theses five and four master's thesis thesis. He has also collaborated with the management of two international theses and spent time at the universities of Marseille, Lyon, Mexico National Polytechnic and Industrial of Santander in Colombia. He is Principal Investigator five competitive research projects in which researchers from Spanish centers involved Canadians and Finns. He has served on committees for assessment Axencia to do Calidade University System of Galicia and collaborates with the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge and ANECA. Since 2014 directs the Optimization and Mathematical Models for Economics and Business group in which 22 researchers are integrated.

CV detallado


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