Error message

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1439 of /home/racefe5/public_html/includes/
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  • Notice: Undefined index: uid in eval() (line 1 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/views/plugins/ : eval()'d code).
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  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).

The Honourable Dr. Sergey V. Ablameyko

Curriculum Vitae

(Minsk, 1956). He graduated from Belarusian State University (BSU), Minsk (1978) with the Diploma in Mathematics. In 1984 he got his PhD in the field of Information Processing Systems in the Institute of Cybernetics, Ukrainian Academy of Science and in 1990 his DSc degree in the same institution. At present Prof. Ablameyko is the academician of the National Academy of Science (since June 2009), Chairman of the UIIP Academic Council of awarding of PhD and DSc degrees and Chairman of the BSU Scientific Council. He combines scientific research (image analysis, pattern and graphics recognition, digital geometry, knowledge-based systems, geographical information systems and medical imaging) with organization and editorial activities being the head of BSU (since 2008). He is in Editorial Board of Pattern Recognition Letters, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Machine Graphics and Vision and other international and national journals. He is Editor-in-Chief of two national journals.  Moreover he leads a number of international projects in image analysis and GIS funded by European Commission through Programs COPERNICUS, INTAS, ISTC, 6th and 7th Framework Program, international projects with organizations from Russian, Ukraine, India and China, goes in for National Programs and projects in Informatics and Image Processing. He also manages several Russian-Belarusian joint Programs in Space, Supercomputers and GRID-technologies (each Program has the budget more than 10 mln US$).
Sergey Vladimirovich is a Senior member of IEEE, Fellow of IAPR, Fellow of Belarusian Engineering Academy, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), he was a First Vice-President of IAPR (2006-2008), President of Belarusian Association for Image Analysis and Recognition. His publications include more than 350 scientific works, 9 of them are authored/co-authored books, 34 edited books and proceedings, and more than 180 refereed papers (in English) in international journals and proceedings of international conferences and two tutorials. 9 PhD dissertations and 2 DSc dissertations have been prepared and defended under the supervision of Sergey V. Ablameyko. Sergey Vladimirovich is a regular member and chair/co-chair of various conferences, forums and congresses devoted to computer and engineering problems. For his active participation in the scientific life of the country and world research continuum he was awarded to numerous national honors such as State Prize of Belarus (highest national scientific award), 2002, Award of the National Academy of Sciences for the best scientific work, 2007, Belarusian Medal of F.Skoryna, Russian Award of Friendship and many other awards. He also won different international grants as a visiting scientist in research centers of Italy, Finland, Australia, Japan, and Germany and so on.

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