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His Excellency Mr. Lorenzo Gascón

His Excellency Mr. Lorenzo Gascón's picture

Date of Entry: 



Medal members:


Consideraciones sobre la transferencia de Tecnología


His Excellency Mr. José Cervera Bardera

Passed away on: 


Curriculum Vitae

(Barcelona, 1929) Doctor in Economic Sciences by the University of Barcelona and Graduate by the IESE (University of Navarra). Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the University of Michoacán (Mexico). Doctor “Honoris Causa” of the University of Lishui (People’s Republic of China). He is an Academician of the International Academy of Management, Washington D.C., and Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. Academician of Honour of the “Reial Acadèmia de Doctors de Barcelona”. Board member of the “Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe “ of Lausanne, Switzerland.
He is a member of the “Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España” and the “Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros”. He is a Honorary Member of the European Superior Council of Doctors, Graduate of Honour of the Business University College of ESERP and member of its Scientific Committee. He had been a Honorary member of the International Conference about “Economics, Management and Optimisation in Sports after the Impact of the Financial Crisis”. He had also been a member of the Scientific Committee of the 26th Annual Congress of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics, which proceedings were published by Springer-Verlag.
He has been the President of the Spanish Committee of the European League of Economic Cooperation and International Vice President. Furthermore, He has been a member of the Central Committee of the ELEC in Brussels, of the Advisory Council of the “Patronat Català Pro-Europa” and of the Commission of eight independent experts named by the Commission of the CEE in December 1990 for the fiscal homogenization of the enterprises. Previously, he had been Dean of the “Ilustre Colegio de Economistas de Cataluña y Baleares”, member of the Board of Directors of the Board of Trustees of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, member of the International Council of the US Information Agency in Washington D.C. (USA), Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce, in Catalonia and vice chairman of the National Board for more than twenty years. He has been the Vice Chairman of the Catalan Institute of Iberoamerican Cooperation for more than thirty years. He also had been Vice Chairman of the “Fomento del Trabajo Nacional”, member of the Executive Committee and of the Board of the CEOE and Chairman of the CEOE Committee-European Community, amongst others, for 14 years.
In the professional area, we must highlight that he has been the Chairman of the Board of the following companies: G-Consulting, S.L., La Seda de Barcelona. S.A., Procolor, S.A., ELBASA (Electrónica Básica, S.A.), Pinturas Bruguer, S.A., Herpu, S.A., AZKO Coatings, S.A., Organon Española, S.A., Organon Teknika Española, S.A., Chefaro Española, S.A., Laboratorios Intervet, S.A., Microquímica de Navarra, S.A., Masdenverge, S.A., Iberenka, S.A., Serenka, S.A., Publicitas, S.A., DIPSA, S.A.; Chief Executive Officer of the Banco de Expansión Comercial, Túneles y Autopistas de Barcelona, S.A., “CECSA”(Compañia de Electrónica y Comunicaciones, S.A.) and of the Banco de Expansión Industrial and Board Member of Aismalibar, S.A. (Von Roll AG), Fincolor, S.A., Guasch Hermanos, S.A.,Cía General de Comercio, S.A.,Epysa, Dogi, S.A., Vives Vidal, S.A. (Warners), and Vice Chairman of COMCO Electronics Corp., Fullerton, Cal. (USA).
He has published more than 300 articles related to economics, and more specifically about international economic actuality, or related to the presence of Spain in the world in the ABC, La Vanguardia, El Periódico, the Herald Tribune, and the Harvard Business Review, amongst others. He has pronounced more than 300 conferences in Spain, USA (New York, Washington, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Miami), United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala, Tunisia, Kingdom of Jordan, Montenegro and Cuba.
Amongst the received distinctions, we can find the “Gran Cruz de la Real Orden del Mérito Civil”, The Silver Cross of the Guardia Civil of Spain, the “Encomienda de Número de la Real Orden del Mérito Civil”, the “Encomienda de la Real Orden de Isabel La Católica”, “Creu de Sant Jordi” de la Generalitat de Catalunya, the “Francesc Macià Medal”, the Gold Medal of the Barcelona Fair and, the US Peace & C. Award.

Actividades del Curso Académico 2013-2014
Actividades del Curso Académico 2014-2015
Actividades del Curso Académico 2015-2016
Actividades del Curso Académico 2016-2017
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