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News of 2010

The RACEF elects three new Corresponding Members

The General Meeting of the Royal Academy of Economics and Finacial Sciences of Spain (RACEF) approved tthis afternoon at Barcelona the appointment of three new corresponding members. HRH Princess Sumaya of Jordan, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Rajko Kuzmanovic, and Juan Ramón Quintás, who will be admitted as Corresponding member for Galicia.

The Real Academia remembers Academician Alejandro Pedrós

The Members of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (RACEF) remembered, academician Dr. Alejandro Pedrós Abelló, who passed away last June, during a Solemn memorial Session held this afternoon at the headquarters of the Royal Corporation with the presence of his widow, daughters, relations and numerous friends. Speaking on the figure of Dr. Pedrós, were the Vice-President of the RACEF, Mr. Lorenzo Gascón¸ Academy Member and Rector of the University of Barcelona Dr. Didac Ramirez and also Academy Member Dr. Antonio Argandoña. The Solemn Act was closed by the President His Excellency Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja with deeply felt words of condolence.

Camilo Prado is awarded the Gold Medal of the Universidad Nacional Mayor of San Marcos in Lima, Peru

His Excellency Dr, Camilo Prado Freire, Member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (RACEF), President of the European Academy of Business Management and Economy, Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University and Director of the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Economy and Finances of the RACEF, has been awarded, post mortem the Pablo Pradier Fodre Gold Medal of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor of San Marcos, Lima (Peru), in recognition of his highly recognised academic, scientific and professional career, to the benefit of International University Education and the Development of the People of Latin America.

Jaime Gil Aluja receives La Clau de Barcelona

Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences of Spain (RACEF), has received this afternoon La Clau de Barcelona (Barcelona Key) for his leading role in the social life of the town in front of the only Spanish Royal Academy based in Barcelona. The Academicien is added to the list of prominent individuals who have received the most prestigious prize in Barcelona civil society since its inception in 1964.

Fernando Casado chairs the new CatalunyaCaixa

Fernando Casado, Full Academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (RACEF) was yesterday appointed as the new President of CatalunyaCaixa, the entity arising from the merger of Caixa de Catalunya, Caixa Tarragona and Caixa Manresa. Casado, who substitutes Narcís Serra as head of the new savings bank, after his appointment he stated that is main objective is to “contribute professionalism” in order to improve the entity. “CatalunyaCaixa – he said – is a project that is rooted in Catalunya and with great expectations within a context that offers problems and opportunities”.


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