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News of 2008

Admission of Her Excellency Dr. Janine Delruelle-Ghobert as Corresponding Academy Member for Belgium

Baroness Delruelle, Janine Delruelle-Ghobert, officer of the Royal Court of Belgium and magistrate of the Constitutional Court of her country where she was also a member of parliament and senate; in her acceptance speech, after mentioning the differences between states that are governed by a single chamber system and those that maintain the two house system, Delruelle defended the latter model, both for its “effective legislative control function” that is exercised by the upper houses as well as for their territorial representation in federal states.

Liz Mohn is awarded the medal of honour of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (RACEF) during the opening session of the academic year

The President of the Bertelsmann group and foundation, Liz Mohn, appealed for a new business culture based on the social undertaking for overcoming the crisis and for facing the success of globalisation. “Our slogan – explained Mohn – is that property means responsibility. Many businessmen, on a daily basis have shown how management should be linked to social undertaking and we should be inspired by them”. Mohn recalled that juvenile unemployment in Spain has reached the figure of 25% “and it is here that we should concentrate all our efforts”. The President of Bertelsmann urged businessmen to make an active undertaking in the resolution of the problems of their surroundings and, at the same time, make a serious effort in offering their employees “security, continuity and values”. “In order to change business cultures – she added – time is required, but it is a necessary task”.

Judge Guzmán Tapia is admitted as the corresponding member for Chile

Chilean Judge, Juan Guzmán Tapia, on the 17th of January was admitted as corresponding member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras for the Republic of Chile. The speech he chose for his admission was “The Position of the Government of certain states relative to their jurisdiction.

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