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Judge Guzmán Tapia is admitted as the corresponding member for Chile

Chilean Judge, Juan Guzmán Tapia, on the 17th of January was admitted as corresponding member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras for the Republic of Chile. The speech he chose for his admission was “The Position of the Government of certain states relative to their jurisdiction.

According to Guzmán, “when in those countries that commit human rights violations or crimes against humanity there is no will to judge the perpetrators, the bodies that can start up the International Criminal Court for the investigation, judgment and punishment of these very serious crimes, intervene in a subsidiary manner”. In his paper of admission into the RACEF, Judge Guzmán explains the advantages and the importance of this new legal system. “The existence of the International Criminal Court can help to humanize our world which is in serious danger of extermination even further” asserts Guzmán. The admission speech was replied to by academician His Excellency Dr. Joan Francesc Pont Clemente. Also attending the act of admission were the Vice-President of the Catalan Government, Josep Lluis Carod Rovira and the councillor for justice Montserrat Tura, among other authorities and academy members.

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