Error message

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1439 of /home/racefe5/public_html/includes/
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Her Excellency Dr. Montserrat Guillén Estany

Her Excellency Dr. Montserrat Guillén Estany's picture
  • Vice-Secretario de la Junta de Gobierno
  • Vocal de la Sección 1ª

Date of Entry: 





Riesgo y seguro en economía


Her Excellency Dr. Ana María Gil Lafuente


Curriculum Vitae

Montserrat Guillén (Barcelona 1964). She received a Master of Science in Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics in 1987 and a PhD in Economics from UB in 1992. She received a MSc in Data Analysis from the University of Essex (United Kingdom). Since April, 2001 she is Chair Professor of the Department of Econometrics at the University of Barcelona. She is currently Honorary Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Actuarial Science and Insurance at City University London. She was Visiting Research faculty at the University of Texas at Austin (USA) in 1994. She was also Visiting Professor of Insurance Econometrics at the University of Paris II. She was awarded the ICREA Academia distinction.
Her research focuses on actuarial statistics and quantitative risk management. She has published many scientific articles, contributions to book chapters and books on insurance and actuarial science. She is an associate editor for the Journal of Risk and Insurance - the official journal of the American Risk and Insurance Association, a senior editor of Astin Bulletin - the official journal of the International Actuarial Association, co-editor for the North American Actuarial Journal and was chief editor until 2014 (now associate editor) of SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions. She was awarded by the Casualty Actuarial Society and received the Internationa Insurance Prize. She is a highly cited academic in the field of risk management and insurance. She was President of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists, the Geneva Association, in 2011. She has served in boards as well as scientific groups, international programs and steering committees and she has also conducted R&D joint programmes with many companies. She is member of the Royal Academy of Doctors and Academician-elect of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras.

Actividades del Curso Académico 2016-2017
CV detallado inglés


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