The challenges of economic recovery and the successful analysis of its figures have centered the debates of the XI International Act of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF), held yesterday in Barcelona with the presence of prominent figures. The act was retransmitted by Periscope through the Twitter account of the RACEF.
Under the title "The behavior of economic actors in the face of the challenge of the future", the session was attended by Mohamed Laichoubi, Corresponding Academician of the RACEF for Algeria and former Minister of his country; Carlo Morabito, Vice-Rector of the University of Reggio-Calabria; Janusz Kacprzyk, Corresponding Academician of the RACEF for Poland and President of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Korkmaz Imanov, Corresponding Academician of the RACEF for Azerbaijan and Director of the Cybernetics Institute of the Kazakh National Academy of Sciences; Iurii Kondratenko, Professor of the Mikolayiv University of Ukraine; Viktor Krasnoproshin, Corresponding Academician of the RACEF for Belarus; Domenico Marino, Professor of the University of Reggio-Calabria, and Valeriu Ion Franc, Member of the Romanian Academy, among other figures.
During the event, a compilation of the speeches by Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the RACEF, was presented at the International Seminar "Penser l'Europe", which has been held for more than a decade in Bucharest with the support of the Royal Academy. The work has been published by the Romanian Academy.