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Gil Aluja urges the European Union to position itself in the new axis of world power

Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (RACEF), highlighted in his speech at the XVII International Seminar "Penser l'Europe" that has been held in Bucharest the opportunity and the challenge that Romania and the European Union have for the displacement to the Pacific Axis of international economic and political power. Europe, in this new context, occupies a privileged geostrategic position, he said. Gil Aluja read the speech "Le nouvel ax du pouvoir économique: rôle de la Roumanie".

For the President of the RACEF, "the Atlantic Axis, which for many years has remained strong, now presents clear signs of exhaustion due to the political and economic boom in China. The power and expectations of the future that we see increasingly in the Asian countries increase the value of geographically located countries in the extreme east of Europe and the extreme west of Asia, that's exactly where Romania is and where the European Union should focus".

Although, for Gil Aluja, History has shown that not only a privileged geographical position is enough to capitalize on the balance of power and progress, but the political stability and values ​​that represent a united Europe. "The study of the causes of the progress or delay of the social nuclei should not take into account exclusively geostrategic aspects or only institutional aspects. Both aspects, at the same time, explain to a greater or lesser extent the progress or the delay of the human nuclei with respect to the set", he says in his study.

"Let us remember that the only way to escape the irrelevance and therefore the poverty that accompanies the backwardness of nations is to unite, overcome the old nation-states and develop efforts to continue building without hesitation the new European Empire -continues the Academician in his study- we must strengthen the European Union, which now, in the 21st century, is not the result of the military force of a great power, but of the courageous consensus of 28 states, it's, in the final analysis, the consequence of the confluence of their stories in a project of consent and commitment". Gil Aluja systematizes his idea with the dialectic evreywhere-anywhere: "European citizens must now decide between being everywhere, willing to share their identity anywhere in the Union or simply being anywherer, linked to an origin they wish to convert to their unique destiny".

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