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Lamo de Espinosa urges a Spanish Water State Pact that includes transfers between basins

Jaime Lamo de Espinosa, former Minister of Agriculture and Full Academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), calls for a Spanish Water State Pact regardless of political and territorial issues to recover the Spanish Watershed Connection Plan to balance the distribution of water resources under strictly technical criteria at a time when climate change requires urgent interventions.

"Today it's clear that Spain needs a large Water State Pact leading to a National Watershed Plan and based on this to another National Irrigation Plan. And all of them with perspectives of several legislatures that take from the political debate these subjects so essential for the economic and social life of Spain", says Lamo de Espinosa in his report "Water in the world-The world of water. Global world and under climate change", presented this afternoon in Barcelona by RACEF and Aguas de Barcelona (AGBAR).

"Spain isn't a dry country in terms of its level of rainfall and groundwater, but it's in terms of its capricious distribution. The problem could be if we did not have water, but this is not the case. For a population of more than 44 million inhabitants, the annual runoff of our country has a population of about 2500 m3 par habitant and year, a figure that we can compare with the 1000 m3 that define a full index of development, including in them agricultural and industrial needs. There is water, including underground. We may not have known how to distribute it. We are facing the problem of water governance, "argues the Academician.

In the presentation have also participated the RACEF Academician Francesc Granell and the Academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas of Spain (RACMP) Ramón Tamames. The event was led by the President of the RACEF, Jaime Gil Aluja, and the Executive President of Agbar, Ángel Simón Grimaldos.

Read the full report

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