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Alvin Roth designs a refugee allocation system for the European Union

Alvin Roth, Nobel prize in Economics in 2012, is designing a system of allocating refugees between the different countries of the European Union, taking into account the professional and personal profile of each asylum seeker and the needs of each state. Roth, who designed the federal system of organ transplantation assignments in the United States and the public school assignment system in Boston and New York, has initiated this new project on its own initiative, albeit with the cooperation of European authorities.

"The refugee crisis is the greatest challenge facing humanity today, and there are scientific ways for each of those people who flee the war to find the best host country without its arrival as a problem. We must and can avoid ghettos and xenophobic reactions", he argued. Roth has made these reflections before his admission as corresponding academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), which was held this afternoon at the Palau Macaya of the "la Caixa" Obra Social in Barcelona. The Nobel has read the entry speech "Market design and kidney exchange", in which he has reviewed the current systems of organ transplantation allocation.

Born in New York in 1951, the new academician is a professor at the Stanford and Harvard Universities. He was recognized by the Swedish Academy along with Lloyd Shapley for his theory of stable allocation and the practice of market design. It is the tenth Nobel Prize in Economics that hosts the RACEF.

Before the reception, the president of the RACEF, Jaime Gil Aluja, has officially announced the entry of the Royal Academy in the Institute of Spain, according to Royal Decree 285/2017 of March 24. The Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras thus becomes the first Real Academy with headquarters in Barcelona that is integrated in this organism. "We open this new stage with the entrance of a Nobel who presents us with a great initiative. We will also continue to work for all Spain from Catalonia", Gil Aluja has considered.

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