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The Nobel prize Reinhard Selten will enter in the Royal Academy

The Nobel prize in Economics Reinhard Selten will enter in the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF) as Corresponding Member to Germany in a solemn sessions to be held next March 25th. Selten will read the speech "From learning direction theory to generalized impulse balance". Will respond on behalf of the RACEF its president, Jaime Gil Aluja.

Selten (Breslau/Wrocław, 1930) received the Nobel in 1994 for his contribution to the development of game theory, specifically noncooperative, with de Americans John Harsanyi and John Nash. He graduated in Mathematics and Economics at the University of Frankfurt, where in 1969 he also began his teaching career. He also taught at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Bielefeld and the University of Bonn Friedrich Wilheln. It was the first German Nobel Economics has always claimed the role of European mathematicians and economists in the development of both sciences.

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