Error message

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Gil Aluja integrates the Scientific Committee of the university network Ilumno

The President of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), Jaime Gil Aluja, has been appointed to the Scientific Committee of the Ilumno Network, which brings together universities from ten countries in the Americas.

Comprising over 400 schools and various education programs not face bringing together about 40,000 enrolled, the Ilumno Network is a non-profit organization that aims to transform higher education by making it accessible to thousands of students with few resources. This is currently investing $31 million in scholarships from which nearly 40,000 students benefit.

The Scientific Committee will join Gil Aluja is an advisory body of network whose aim is to generate new research projects and quality products that promote collaboration among professionals that are part of Ilumno, seeking external funding for these projects and the design and implementation of relevant new chairs for the Latin American community.

Are integrated into the Ilumno Network Universidad del Siglo XXI (Argentina), Centro Universitario Jorge Amado (Brazil), Universidad Vega de Almeida (Brazil), Instituto Profesional Providencia (Chile), Corporación Universitaria del Caribe (Colombia), Fundación Universitaria Área Andina (Colombia), Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano (Colombia), Universidad en Ciencias Administrativas San Marco (Costa Rica), Universidad del Istmo (Panama) and Universidad Americana (Paraguay).

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