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The RACEF and the Jean Monnet Foundation call for a more humane reformulation of the EU


The Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF) and the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe have been postulated to reformulate the European Union institutions and provide them with more human content when it's over economic and financial crisis afflicting the continent. The two agencies have held today in Lausanne (Switzerland) an academic event set.

Relations between the EU member states was the first axis of the meeting, addressed by Philippe de Schoutheete of Tervarent, former Permanent Representative of Belgium to the European Union and member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, and Joan Francesc Pont Clemente, Full Academician of RACEF. The second axis opening relationships within the emerging. Intervened Jean Zwahlen, Advisor for Asia of the Swiss Union Bancaire Privée, former Ambassador and former Director of the National Bank of Switzerland, and André Azoulay, Corresponding Academician to Morocco of RACEF and economic Advisor of King Mohamed V, who also insisted on reformulating the relationship between Europe and the Maghreb after the new political and economic framework that has brought the so-called Arab Spring.

The session was held under the patronage of King Juan Carlos I and the President of the Swiss Confederation, Ueli Maurer, and also involved José María Gil-Robles, President of the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe; Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the RACEF; Miguel Angel de Frutos Gómez, Ambassador of Spain in Bern, and Dominique Paravicine, Deputy Director of the Directorate for European Affairs of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation.

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