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Gascón publishes a book on current social, cultural and economic of Algeria

Lorenzo Gascón, Vicepresident of the de la Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), has presented this afternoon in Barcelona the book "Un viaje a Argelia" (A trip to Algeria), which reviews the current economic, social and culture to the North African country after the academic session that celebrated the RACEF with the University of Bejaia in April 2012. The book opens a new collection of RACEF's publications.

Gascón said direct viewing and testimonial of the work, whose theme is the experience of Scholars who traveled to Algeria, visiting Algiers, Bejaia and Tamanrasset, where they had contact with the Tuareg minority and met the Southern Algeria. The presentation was the Corresponding Academician to Algeria Mohamed Laichoubi, cicerone of the expedition. The book also highlights the intense and erudite gathering that under a large acacia remained the President of the RACEF, Jaime Gil Aluja; Laichoubi, the Romanian scientific Cioltei-Makaraon Anka and Gascón himself.

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