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The seminar "Thinking Europe" will focus on human rights and European-born Western values

The International Seminar "Thinking Europe", organized by the Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences of Spain (RACEF) with other European institutions, will focus this year on human rights, the European-born Western values ​​and integration challenges. This renowned forum, which reached its eleventh edition, will be held betwen 4 and 6 October under the title "The Rights of Man and the European world values" in Bucharest (Romania).

Issues to be discussed include the debate on the existence of a unified European culture, cultural diversity of the continent, the integration of Islam and cultural minorities and the role to be played by the European Commission in cultural cohesion. Participants in this edition of "Thinking Europe" are Dusan Batakovic, Ambassador of Serbia in Paris; Philippe Gustin, Ambassador of France in Bucharest; Mircea Dumitru, Rector of the University of Bucharest; Pedrag Miranovic, Rector of the University of Montenegro; Florin Georgescu, former Finance Minister of Romania; Mohamed Laichoubi, former Algerian Minister and Ambassador and Corresponding Academician of the RACEF; Thierry de Montbrial, founder and CEO of the French Institute of International Relations and Corresponding Academician of the RACEF, or Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the RACEF, among other prominent political figures, academics and intellectuals.

With the Royal Academy of Economics and Finance, organized the International Seminar "Thinking Europe" National Foundation for Science and Art of Romania, the Romanian Academy, the Institute of France, the French Institute of International Relations, The Royal Academy French Language and Literature from Belgium and the Royal Academy of Doctors of Catalonia.

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