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Gil Aluja defines Islam as an essential part of Europe

The President of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), Jaime Gil Aluja, stressed the role of Islam as a substantial part and parcel of European identity in his speech at the International Seminar "Thinking Europe", which was held Bucharest (Romania). Recalling the history of Islam in the continent, where he settled as a vanguard political, military and cultural between the eighth and fifteenth centuries, Gil Aluja highlighted the current existence of millions of European Muslims who live their faith in full harmony with respect to laws and the aspiration for freedom to the continent.

"Islam today is as European as the most Roman Catholics or as it was Calvin", he considered in his speech, one of the most valued of the Seminar. "Islam, like reason, is an interior space while universal: an absolute necessity of the human condition. Our inalienable spiritual dimension", he concluded.

In its eleventh edition, the International Seminar "Thinking Europe", organized by the RACEF, the National Science Foundation and the Art of Romania, the Romanian Academy, the Institute of France, the French Institute of International Relations, The Royal Academy French Language and Literature from Belgium and the Royal Academy of Doctors of Catalonia, has reflected this year on human rights, the European-born Western values ​​and integration challenges that globalization brings economic, social and cultural.

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