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José Daniel Barquero joins the Racef as Corresponding Academician for Aragon

This evening His Excellency Dr. José Daniel Barquero Cabrero joined  the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF) as Corresponding Academician for Aragon. The Solemn Session was presided over by the president of the RACEF, His Excellency Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja, and he was introduced by academician His Excellency Dr. Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau. The Solemn Session, which was the last one for the year 2009 took place in the Auditorium of the Fomento del Trabajo Nacional, in Barcelona.

Considered as one of the pioneers in Europe within the area of Social Sciences specifically in the area of Business Public Relations, Barquero was the first to relate and apply the same in spheres such as human rights, multi-cultural activities, finance, economy, the stock market or the marketing. His research in this respect has been published in books that endorse hhis work in Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, Portugal or Latin America.

The new Academician is Professor of a Masters Degree Course at the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid, a title he already held at the  Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Complutense University of Madrid, the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona, the Internacional University of Catalonia and the University of Barcelona (2000-2009), where he directed and set up the Masters Course in Public Relations, Advertising and Communications and also gave classes at the School of Business Sciences.

He holds a "Honoris Causa" Doctorate of the Public University of Staffordshire (United Kingdom, 2003), The National University of Economy of Moscow (Government of the Russian Federation, 1997), San Andres University (Chile, 2001), Francisco de Aguirre University (Chile, 2002), Zheijiang Vocal Academy University (Government of the People's Republic of China, 2005) and the UNICA Inter-American University (Dominican Republic, 2006).

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