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Kydland: "The decline in unemployment in Spain should not hide the need for structural reforms"


Finn E. KydlandNobel in Economics and Norwegian Corresponding Academician to the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), said this afternoon in Palma (Mallorca) that the significant drop in the number of unemployed and increasing Social Security members that registered the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security in May "should not hide the need for Spain to complete the pending structural reforms targeted by various international organizations, both in the field of employment, as the prosecutor, in the formation or in the public administration, to confirm these trends toward recovery".

To Kydland, "Spain must follow the path to competitiveness, unencumbered by economic data nor trust that the relaxation of the austerity policies that makes the EU or liquidity, by themselves, resolve the problem". Also, the Nobel has urged the Spanish authorities and civil society to think long term. "Politics always moves in the short term and attempts to implement immediate solutions, but the severity of the situation of the Spanish economy is sufficiently sensitive to agreed policies arising for the long term. It is the only solution".

Kydland made ​​these reflections during the presentation of annual report of the Economic-Financial Research Observatory of RACEF, which he chairs alongside Alfredo Rocafort and Javier Maqueda, Full Academicians. The report this year addresses the situation of the Mexican economy and the opportunities available there for the Spanish and European companies. Following the presentation, Kydland has read the speech "Economic Policy and Sustainable Growth".

The event was held at CaixaForum Palma under the patronage of Cercle Financer de Balears (CFB). They have also participated in the presentation Josep Francesc Conrado de Villalonga, chairman of CFB, Ana Maria Gil Lafuente, Full Academician and director of the Observatory of RACEF, Federico Gozález Santoyo, Corresponding Academician to Mexico, and Joan Ramon Fuertes, Diector for Balears of La Caixa.

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