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Isidro Fainé will preside over the Foundation for the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives.

Isidro Fainé, Academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (RACEF), will be President of the Foundation for the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) which was presented yesterday in Madrid with the object of promoting excellence in business, institutions and organisations management functions.

The Trust of the Foundation is formed by 22 members, three Vice-Presidents (César Alierta, Francisco Belil and Ramón Adell) and some of the most important executives in the Spanish business world, such as Salvador Alemany, Felipe Benjumea, Antonio Brufau, Angel García Altozano, Amparo Moraleda, Pablo Isla, Juan Maria Nin and Rafael Villaseca. Their mission will be to contribute to the formation of business, institutions and organisations executives, both public and private, within the framework of a global economy that requires the undertaking of everyone, they explained in a communiqué.

Fainé highlighted during the presentation that “in a time such as the present it is important to involve all those who from an executive position are working for n early recuperation of the Spanish economy, and this function constitutes a good example of the firm will of service to society”.

Founded in 1997, the CEDE currently groups 42 associations of executives stemming from different spheres such as finance, human resources, marketing, technology and legal, among others, that represent more than 86,000 executives.

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