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Rajko Kuzmanovic, ex-President of the Republic of Srpska, becomes a Member of RACEF

The President of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska of Bosnia Herzegovina and ex-President of this Serbo-Bosnian republic, Rajko Kuzmanovic, this afternoon became a Member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras as Foreign Member. In his acceptance speech, the new Member reported on the interference of the High Commission of the UN in the legal system and Constitution of his country. The reply was made by Academician and Secretary of the Racef, Alfredo Rocafort Nicolau.

Kuzmanovic stated “Bosnia Herzegovina is a state in which classical euro-continental law has been set on one side and the law of legal precedence has become very influential. A Constitution has been drawn up and is in force that by its very form is a copy of the American Constitution and in this way has drawn apart from the European legal school of thought. The majority of laws have been written in the same way. More than a hundred laws have been written in a non legal style by the High Commissioner”. The new Academy Member continued by stating “the existence of different legal systems is a particularly negative factor, so that the legislator of any state should construct its own legal system far more speedily leaving aside the use of ancient and foreign systems”.

Kuzmanovic became a member of the RACEF as foreign member for Bosnia Herzegovina at a session held at the Barcelona headquarters of the Foment del Treball Nacional. The session was presided over by Jaime Gil Aluja, President of the RACEF.

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