Error message

  • Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1439 of /home/racefe5/public_html/includes/
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).
  • Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in _insertFrame_filter_process() (line 59 of /home/racefe5/public_html/sites/all/modules/insertFrame/insertFrame.module).

Fainé, Business Leader of the Year to the Spain-US Chamber of Commerce

Isidro Fainé, Full Academician and Controller of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF), today received in New York the award Business Leader of the Year by the Spain-United States Chamber of Commerce for its policy of expansion in front of La Caixa.

The President of the Spain-Unites States Chamber of Commerce, Xavier Ruiz Coloma, noted the success of La Caixa Group and noted that "it has been possible thanks to the vision, courage, leadership and integrity of Isidro Faine".

Founded in New York in 1959, the Chamber of Commerce urges Spain-US economic relations between the two countries and has become one of the organizations leading transatlantic business. The Chamber is a private non-profit organization that represents the interests of companies that have established or are interested in establishing trade and business relations between Spain and the United States.

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