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Djurovic condemns the exploitation of science in his acceptance speech as Corresponding Academician for Montenegro

Momir Djurovic, President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts gave a warning on the exploitation of science by governments, businesses and pressure groups in order to manipulate public opinion in an interested manner in his acceptance speech as Corresponding Academician for Montenegro of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF). Acting as sponsors were Academicians of the RACEF Emilio Ybarra and Ramón Poch. Replying to the speech in the name of the Royal Corporation was its Vice-President, Lorenzo Gascón.

The newly elected Academician read his acceptance speech “The World as I experience it”, where he explained how the debates on the change in climate, the economic and financial crisis or the energy model are charged with assumed scientific arguments that are always contradictory, championed by one or another interest groups. Therefore a revision of the role of science in current society is required.

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