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The directors of both big sports Catalan newspapers open the International Seminar EMOS 09

A round table moderated by Josep Pons, President of Josep Pons Imatge, in which the journalists took part Santi Nolla, Director of the newspaper "Mundo Deportivo"; Joan Vehils, Director of the newspaper "Sport"; José Manuel Oliván, Director of Radio Marca Barcelona; Enric Bañeres, editor of the newspaper "La Vanguardia"; David Bernabeu, editor of the channel of television Cuatro; Rogelio Rengel, Publisher of the magazine "Don Balón", and the José María Coronas, Academician of Number of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain (RACEF) and ex-executive of the FC Barcelona, has opened this evening the International Seminar "Economics, Management and Optimisation in Sports. After the impact of financial crisis" (EMOS 09), which organizes the RACEF.

The speakers debated on the new business model offered by sports, both in its practice and as a part of leisure and recreation in its professional sphere, with a conclusion that was shared by all: its potential within the new economic framework which is opening up after the crisis. The round table debate was preceeded by the Opening Act of the Seminar, conducted by  President of the RACEF, Jaime Gil Aluja, and Josep Pujante, President of Panathlon.

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