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The Honourable Dr. Yuriy Kondratenko

The Honourable Dr. Yuriy Kondratenko's picture
Election date: 03/06/2022

Date of Entry: 





His Excellency Dr. Vicente Liern Carrión

Curriculum Vitae

(Kherson, 1953). He graduated from the Mykolaiv Shipbuilding Institute named after Admiral S.Makarov, Mykolaiv (1976) with an honor diploma in electrical equipment of ships. In 1983 he got his PhD and in 1994 his DSc degree in the field of computer and control systems at the Odesa National Polytechnic University. At present Prof. Kondratenko is a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine for Science and Technology Development (since 2019), academician of the Academy of Shipbuilding Science of Ukraine (since 1996), Corresponding Academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors RAED – Barcelona 1914 (since 2000). He is a member of the Committee for Awarding Prizes of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the field of innovative technologies (since 2019), an Honorary member of Barcelona Economic Network (since 2018), academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Economical Cybernetics (since 1998), member and chairman of the of Steering Board of Ukrainian Scientific and Education IT-Society (since 2017), member of the National Committee of Ukrainian Association on Automatic Control (since 1993), Council of the Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations of Ukraine (since 2007), Academic-Scientific Councils of awarding of PhD and DSc degrees at Odesa National Polytechnic University (since 1997), National University “Odesa Maritime Academy” (since 2018), Barcelona University (2015) and D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (2021). He received several international grants and scholarships for conducting research at Chongqing University, P.R. China (1988-1989), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (2000, 2010), Nazareth College, USA (2003). In 2015 he received a Fulbright grant for conducting research for 9 months at Cleveland State University, USA. He was a Visiting Professor with lectures at the universities in Rochester, Cleveland, Kassel, Vladivostok, and Warsaw. 
Prof. Kondratenko combines scientific research (artificial intelligence in economics and engineering, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, intelligent decision-making systems, control systems, robotics, sensors, automation) with teaching, organization and editorial activities being the Professor and Head of the Intelligent Information Systems Department at Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (since 1999). He is a member of the Editorial Boards of 6 International and 6 Ukrainian journals, including Quantitative Methods in Economics (Poland), International Research and Review: Journal of Phi Beta Delta (USA), International Journal of Computing, Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, International Journal of Automation and Information Sciences (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), and Guest Editor of the Journal of Computational Optimization in Economics and Finance and Journal of Mobile Multimedia (Special issues “Mobile Communication and Computing for the Internet of Things and Industrial Automation”, “Artificial Intelligence in Automation with Mobile Applications”).
He is a Principal investigator and coordinator of international and domestic research projects with the Economic-financial Research Observatory of RACEF, industrial companies (China, Ukraine) and universities from the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and Ukraine under the European programs TEMPUS (project Cabriolet), Erasmus + (project Aliot) and DAAD-OstPartnerSchaftsProgram. Yuriy Panteliyovych is a member GAMM - Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Matematik und Mechanik (since 1995, Germany), Scientific Committee of DAAAM International (since 2006, Austria), RINA and IMAREST (Great Britain, 1999-2007), International Exchange Alumni (since 2003, USA), Phi Beta Delta (since 2005, USA), DAAD Alumni (since 2000, Germany). Prof. Kondratenko is an author and editor of more than 700 published works (about 300 abroad) in publishing houses Springer, World Scientific Publ., Akademie Verlag, Pergamon Press, Elsevier, River Publ., Nova Science Publ., Emerald, including 11 books, 16 edited books and proceedings, 143 patents in the field of informatics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and more than 200 refereed articles, chapters and papers (in English) in international journals, edited books and proceedings. 11 PhD dissertations and 2 DSc dissertations have been prepared and defended under the supervision of Dr. Yuriy P. Kondratenko. He is a reviewer of a number of international conferences Proceedings (IEEE,   American Control Conferences) and international journals (Information Sciences, Applied Computing and Informatics, Internet of Things, Knowledge-Based Systems, Soft Computing, Expert Systems with Applications, Neural Computing and Applications) as well as chairman (DESSERT’2020, ICT&ES’2020, ICDSIAI’2018) and member of the Program Committees of a number of international conferences (DSMP’20, IDAACS’19, AIRS’19, QME’19, WConSC’18) and others in the field of artificial intelligence, soft computing, modeling and simulation, quantitative methods in economics, decision-making and control. He was awarded an Honored Inventor of Ukraine (2008), Honor medal "For scientific and educational achievements” (Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, 2019), Jubilee medal “20 years of Independence of Ukraine” (2011), Gold Medal of the American Biographical Institute (ABI, 2011), Honor Certificate and Honorary Credential for Winner of the Chinese Open Innovative Competitions (2018),  Honorary Diplomas of Verkhovna Rada (2006) and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2007), Diploma for Winner of All-Ukrainian competition “Invention – 2006”, Medal "Education Excellenter of Ukraine" (1995), All-Union Scientific and Engineering Society’s Prize (1980) and All-Ukrainian Scientific and Engineering Society’s Prize (1979). Dr. Kondratenko was awarded a special scholarship for outstanding scientists by the President of Ukraine (since 2021).

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