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The Honourable Dr. Rosa Nelly Trevinyo Rodríguez

The Honourable Dr. Rosa Nelly Trevinyo Rodríguez's picture
Election date: 06/16/2022

Date of Entry: 





Líderes más equilibrados y responsables


His Excellency Dr. Fernando Casado Juan


Curriculum Vitae

Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez has been contributing to the family business practice, knowledge creation and dissemination over the last 20 years. She is CEO of Trevinyo-Rodríguez & Associates, a global consulting firm advising multigenerational enterprising families; the Founding Director of the countrywide Tec de Monterrey (ITESM) Family Business Center and the Former Holder of the first ITESM Family Business Research Chair.
Trevinyo-Rodríguez is author of the best seller “Family Business: A Latin-American Perspective” (in Spanish) which has been adopted as textbook in most Latin American Universities. Additionally, she writes for "El Financiero-Bloomberg"; serves on the Editorial Board of a number of international research journals, collaborates with several foundations, and teaches executive courses on family firms around the world. She currently is/was Visiting Professor in the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College (USA); University of Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein Principality), University Pompeu Fabra (Spain); IEEM Uruguay (Uruguay), University of Cordoba (Argentina), University of San Diego (USA), SMU (Singapore), among others.
A PhD from IESE Business School (Spain), Prof. Trevinyo-Rodríguez became the first Hispanic President of the Academy of Management International Theme Committee and Program Chair of the Management Consulting Division. Her research interests include family dynamics, good-governance and wealth management in family business contexts (ESG investing), as well as business families’ next gen members training as responsible owners.
Trevinyo-Rodríguez has been invited to serve as Board Member in leading family-owned companies and single-family offices in México, Spain and Argentina, adding significant value within the Strategy Committee and/or the Executive Evaluation and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors. Moreover, she acts as Mexico's country representative in the Global Women's Entrepreneurship Policy Project (Global WEP), as fellow of the International Women's Forum (IWF) and as a Member of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain.
She has received several national and international awards such as the Emerald Literari Network Highly Commended Award; the Academy of Management Recognition for Oustanding Service and Leadership; the Journal of Business Venturing Oustanding Reviewer Award; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program Recognition and the María Elena Chapa Hernandez’s Medal, a governmental award stressing her activism in favor of women's business inclusion.

CV detallado
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