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Kydland believes that Spain can lead new business relationships with Cuba

The Nobel Prize in Economics and Academician of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF) Finn Kydland believes that companies and Spanish investors are able to take the initiative, even ahead of the United States, in the new framework for trade relations that Cuba has begun. "Spain is already the bridge of trade relations of the European Union with Cuba while investor in the island and a great experience throughout the Latin American market. It also has a great know-how in the tourism sector, also the first in Cuba, and infrastructure construction, one of the Cuban priorities. That puts their business in a place of competitive advantage over those who can get from the American continent itself, particularly from the United States", said the Nobel this afternoon in Barcelona.

Kydland made these reflections during the presentation of the report made by the International Observatory of RACEF on the opportunities available in Cuba after new framework for relations with the United States for companies and Spanish investors in an act that has been done the collaboration of the Obra Social of La Caixa. Kydland has also asked the Cuban government to undertake all political and financial measures demanded by markets. "Cuba, like any other country that wants to attract investors, should be predictable. Because investors need guarantees. And the country what most urgently needed are investments, not only in the hotel infrastructure. Cuba has a high educational level and if it is updated will be the most developed country in the Caribbean. For this you need foreign investment and patience, because investments have a slow return", he added. For the Academician of the RACEF, the Caribbean country is ready to start a revolution in the tourism sector that offers a quality and a high-skilled jobs.


Prepared by Spanish and Cuban researchers, the report provides all the detailed and updated information on the sectors in development and synergies that can establish the Spanish firms on the island. As honorary president of the Observatory, Kydland supervised research from Spain and from Cuba, where RACEF an academic ceremony held last year. The work of the International Observatory focuses on markets with great potential, especially for the most competitive sectors of the Spanish economy, and has already made reports on Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Cuba.

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