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Juan Llorens, former CEO of SEAT, ensures that the electric car is here to stay

Juan Llorens Carrió, former CEO of SEAT, has argued in his inaugural speech at Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras of Spain (RACEF) as Full Academician that the electric vehicle has returned to break into the market, "but this time to stay definitely".
"Electric car -Llorens explained- started in parallel to cars with internal combustion engines. Yet the nascent oil sector allowed the development of gasoline engines. The situation now has changed, not by oil shortages, but by a legal framework doing battle against global warming".
Llorens has found that European legislation, in the market that most vehicles manufactured and consumed, is dragging the industry towards unprecedented conversion. "No great brand can stay out of the development of new electric motors and batteries", he said .
Honorary President of Confederación Española de Automoción, the new Academician has read the speech "The electric vehicle economy" during a Solemn Session has served to inaugurate the academic year of the RACEF. He has responded on behalf of the RACEF its Vice President, Lorenzo Gascón. The ceremony was held this afternoon at Fomento del Trabajo Nacional in Barcelona
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