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José Barea proposes that classes be given on public policies within the economic and social sphere

His Excellency Dr. José Barea Tejeiro, ex-Secretary of State for Social Welfare and ex-Director of the Spanish Government Budget Office proposed the implementation of an academic discipline for the analysis and evaluation of public policies in the economic and social spheres, similar to those given in countries such as the United States. Professor Barea made these recommendations in his acceptance speech on becoming a member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Racef) at a Solemn Act headed by the President, His Excellency Dr, Jaime Gil Aluja which also served as the closing act of the academic year of this Royal Corporation. The investiture took place in the Barcelona headquarters of the Fomento de Trabajo Nacional where the Racef also has its headquarters. The answering speech was given by his sponsor, Academy Member His Excellency Dr. Alfonso Rodríguez.

Dr Barea presented a masterly paper on public economic policies, the study in Spain of which he has made demands for some time now, as well as for the recuperation of the Project Evaluation Section and explained some of his experiences as Sub-Director General of Investments during the 60’s and 70’s of the last century and as Director of the Budgets Office during the process of European convergence. Barea in fact was one of the principal architects in the integration of Spain into what at that time was known as “The Europe of the first gear” in conjunction with the economies of the EU.

Holding a Doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Barea continues his tasks at his age of 86 as Professor Emeritus of the Public Treasury within the Department of Economy and Public Treasury at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has held, among other offices, that of President of the Banco de Crédito Agricola, and as a Managing Director of Iberia, Director of the Banco Exterior of Spain and as a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Industry Institute.

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