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In Barcelona experts from 11 countries propose new mechanisms of financial control due to the crisis.

Recognised specialists from the economic, legal and international political world of 11 nationalities and 12 universities meeting in Barcelona proposed the setting up of a new framework of rules in order to regulate the globalised economy and to foresee new models for forecasting in order to avoid new economic and financial crises such as the current one. These are the main conclusions of the IV International Conference of the Franco-Australian Centre for International Research in Management (Facirem) which under the title of “Globalisation and Government”, was held by the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras (Racef) between the 10th and the 12th of November.

The meeting was held at the headquarters in Barcelona of Fomento del Trabajo Nacional (Via Laietana, 31) under the honorary presidency of His Excellency Dr. Jaime Gil Aluja, the President of the Racef and His Excellency Dr.Jacques-Marie Aurifeille, Director of Facirem. During the three days of sessions, speakers have debated on the legal and regulatory frameworks for economic and financial activity, the new relations between the principle actors of globalisation, the new productive models for this scenario without frontiers, the challenge of sustainability in these global activities or ethical and social questions that arise in this new economic and productive model.

To the extended academic representation were added figures of the importance of His Excellency Dr.Ricardo Díez Hochleitner, Honorary President of the Rome Club and Permanent Member of the Racef; His Excellency Dr. Alessandro Bianchi, ex Italian Minister and Foreign Member for Italy of the Racef; Her Excellency Dr. Jannine Delruelle-Ghobert, Baroness Delruelle, honorary Senator and judge emeritus of the Constitutional Court of Belgium and Foreign Member for Belgium of the Racef, or His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Laichoubi, ex minister and ambassador of Algeria, and Foreign Member for Algeria of the Racef, who among other personalities participated on the 11th in a very enriching multi-disciplinary round table debate.

Congratulations from Dr. Jacques-Marie Aurifeille, Director of Facirem:

Mais nous avions aussi deux grandes forces. D’abord, elle de ton amitié. Nous voulons absolument te dire à quel point nous avons été touchés, émus, par tout ce que tu as fait pour que le colloque et le vernissage soient des succès. Nous sommes parfaitement conscients que tu as fait l’impossible,mieux que pour toi même, et nous sommes encore émerveillés du résultat.Depuis que je puis lire à nouveau mes mails, nous recevons des remerciements enthousiastes des participants du Facirem. Tout les a ravi : le prestige de la Racef et de l’inoubliable diner de gala, la convivialité des échanges et des participants, la qualité exceptionnelle des débats, les contacts et projets scientifiques qui se sont noués ou développés. A l’Université de Polynésie Française, mon collègue a fait une telle publicité que tout le monde est jaloux de n’avoir pu participer à l’événement. Bref, 20/20. Je n’ai jamais participé à congrès plus réussi. Cela démontre la qualité et l’intérêt de colloques de taille limitée, bien composés, par rapport aux congrès "usines" à l’américaine.

 Jacques-Marie Aurifeille

Congratulations from Her Excellency Dr. Maya Simionescu, Vice-President of the Rumanian Academy:

Dear Professsor Gil-Aluja,
Thank  you very much for the opportunity to attend the excellent International Seminar held at the Real Academia de Ciencias Económicas y Financieras. It was an very interesting seminar and all the presentations and the discussions were of high quality. I was particularly interested in the Round Table on the subject of “Les enjeux de la mondialisation et de la gouvernance” . It was a timely and appropiate subject for all of us. As usual the organization was superb and I have enjoyed every minute in Barcelona. Thank you very much again for the invitation. With warm regards.

Maya Simionescu

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