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The Honourable Dr. Nuria Chinchilla

The Honourable Dr. Nuria Chinchilla's picture
Election date: 02/07/2018

Date of Entry: 



  • Cataluña


Hacia una economía más humana y sostenible


His Excellency Dr. Francesc Granell Trias


Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain). Director of the International Center for Work & Family and I-WIL (IESE Women In Leadership) Holder of the Carmina Roca and Rafael Pich-Aguilera Women and Leadership Chair. Education and Professional Training Ph.D. in Economics, 1994. IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra, Spain. Ph.D. in Business Administration, 1993. IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra, Spain. Master of Business Administration, 1984. IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra, Spain. Bachelor of Arts in Law, 1982. University of Barcelona.

Work Experience Teaching: Professor of Managing People in Organizations, IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra (since 1984). Member of the Teaching Unit "Analysis of Business Problems", IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra (1986-1989). Professor of The International Teacher’s Program for Eastern European Countries, IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra (1992-1996). Academic Director of Short Focused Programs: Coaching, Time Management, Management by competencies, Women in Boards (in Miami, in English), Women and Leadership, Corporate Family Responsability, IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra (since 1996). Executive Programs, Doctoral Programs and International Faculty Programs (since 1992). Several Business Schools in Latin America, Africa and Asia, DICO (Managing the personal and professional trajectory), MBA Program, IESE, Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra (2009-2012).

Managerial Experience: IESE Business School, Head of the Managing People in Organizations Department (2000-02). Member of the Board of Directors of the AED (2015-16). Member of the Board of Directors of the EFAS (Escuelas Familiares Agrarias), since 1987. Member of the Board of Directors of the International Women Forum (Chapter Spain), since 2014. Member of the University Advisory Committee, Universidad Internacional de Cataluña. Member of the VIP Advisory Board of the Women's International Networking (since 2004). Business consultant in many Companies, such as HP, Soler, Priela, Pirelli, Seat, Volkswagen, Diversey, Laboratories LETI, Sanofi Aventis, Iberdrola, Endesa, Coca-Cola España, Novartis, Grupo Mora, Spanish Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives, Compartamos Banco, Bunge, Bomosa. Also a consultant at a Government Level: Spain, Mexico, Chile, El Salvador and at Regional Governments (Madrid, Catalonia). Consulting projects focused on organizational diagnosis and implementation of CFR (Corporate Family Responsibility). Executive Coaching and Advancement of women in Executive Committees and Boards.

Other relevant information: Spanish candidate to the CEDAW, ONU (2012). Recognized as one of the "100 TOP Spanish women of the 21st century" for 3 consecutive years (2011, 2012 and 2013), now Honorary member, and recognized in the "Top Ten Thinkers" in Spain. She has received many awards including the FEDEPE prize for Executive woman of the year in 2001. "Most Valuable Speaker 2007" from the Interban Network. The Executive Women award in the category of Work-Life Balance in 2008 by the magazine "Estrategia Directiva". The ALMUR and ASEM Gold Award by the Women’s Entrepreneurs Association for her continuing work to support Work-Life balance. The "Fundación Alares" award for her outstanding professional, research and educational trajectory.Member of the Advisory Board of the Excellence Executive Magazine. Member of the Advisory Board of the Business-Digest Magazine.

CV Español (completo)
CV English (full)
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