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The Honourable Dr. José María Sarabia Alegría

The Honourable Dr. José María Sarabia Alegría's picture
Election date: 02/12/2018

Date of Entry: 



  • Cantabria


Desigualdad Económica y Zonoides de Lorenz


Curriculum Vitae

(Santander, 1963) Professor of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business at the University of Cantabria since 2001 and is, in turn, Professor of Statistics and Operations Research at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2000, now on leave of absence. He graduated in Mathematical Sciences (specialty in Statistics and Operational Research) from the University of Valladolid in 1986 and obtained a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Cantabria in 1989. He has done postgraduate studies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and has been a professor visitor of the ICMA Center of the University of Reading, of the London School of Economics and of the Department of Mathematics of the Imperial College of London, in 2010. He is director of the research group of the University of Cantabria: "Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business" . He is also an associate researcher of the Research Group in Risk, Insurance and Finance IREA-UB of the University of Barcelona since 2012. His research work focuses on distribution theory and multivariate analysis applied to economics and business, risk analysis and actuarial statistics , and methods for the study of economic inequality.
In 2017 he was the Chairman of the Committee of Economic and Business Sciences of the National Commission for the Evaluation of the Research Activity (CNEAI) of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation. During 2016 he was a member of said Committee. He has been a member of the Research Commission of the University of Cantabria (2008-2016) as well as a member of the Doctorate Committee at the same University. He has received several Research awards. In 2008 he received the International Insurance Research Prize "Julio Castelo Matrán", awarded by Fundación Mapfre. Likewise, in 2011 he received the Social Council Research Award from the University of Cantabria for Senior Researchers. In 2009 he was awarded a scholarship by the National Program "Salvador de Madariaga" for mobility stays of professors and senior researchers in foreign research centers. He also received a scholarship from the "Erudite Program", The Kerala State Higher Education Council, India, in 2015.
He has published more than 170 research articles, most of them in impact cataloged journals. Many of the research papers have been published in leading journals in Economics, Statistics and Risk, among which are: Insurance Mathematics and Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Econometrics, Review of Income and Wealth, Journal of Economic Inequality, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Statistical Science, Econometric Reviews, etc. In the field of Economic Inequality, his contributions in the modeling of Lorenz curves stand out, as well as his work "An ordered family of Lorenz curves", published in 1999 in the prestigious journal "Journal of Econometrics", which has received numerous citations. He has also published 9 scientific books as an author, 3 as an editor and 8 university texts. In addition, he highlights the publication of his books in prestigious international publishers such as John Wiley and Springer Verlag. Point out its scientific contribution in the book (in collaboration): Conditional Specification of Statistical Models, published in Springer Series in Statistics, where a new class of multivariate distributions with multiple applications in Economics is introduced, and which has received numerous citations. In relation to textbooks, he has published as an author books in prestigious publishers such as: Pirámide, Civitas and Pearson-Prentice Hall. Also noteworthy is the book (in collaboration): Actuarial Statistics: Theory and Applications, published in Pearson-Prentice Hall in 2006. His articles and scientific books have been cited more than 3,600 times, with an h index of 27 and an i10 index of 86, according to Google Scholar.
His research activity has led him to receive various invitations from universities and national and foreign research centers for the presentation of his research work. He has presented seminars and invited conferences at the following universities: McMaster University (Canada), University of Reading (United Kingdom), Gottingen University (Germany), University of Lausanne (Switzerland), University of Geneva (Switzerland), McGill University (Canada) ; University of Quebec in Montreal (Canada), Institute of Mathematics Statistics of Tokyo (Japan), University of Nottingham Trent (United Kingdom), Polytechnic University of Cochin (India), as well as in several Spanish universities. He has participated in numerous research projects of a competitive nature, in many of them as a principal investigator. Some of these projects have been financed by the National Research Plan, Institute of Fiscal Studies, Mapfre Foundation, etc. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the coordinated project Parametric and Semi-Parametric Modeling of Multivariate Risks: Specification, Estimation and Contrast, within the State Program for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence 2016. He has also participated in funded research contracts by companies such as EON Spain, Nuclenor and Cedex.
He is associate editor of several impact scientific journals: Communications in Statistics (the three series), Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, SORT, Statistical Operations Resercah Transactions, TEST, Journal of Probability and Statistics, Annals of the Institute of Spanish Actuaries, among others . He has also been associate editor of other important statistics and finance journals, including: Journal of Banking and Finance (2013-2017) and Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. He has been and is reviewer of more than 40 different impact journals, both in Economics and Statistics. He has been a plenary speaker by invitation in various national and international conferences, including ASTIN 2011 Conference; Fifth Brazilian Conference on Statistical Modeling in Insurance and Finance, 2011, XVI Conference of Statistics of the Autonomous Communities, 2008. He is an evaluator and expert of different public evaluation agencies, including ANECA, Agaur in Catalonia, Deva in Andalucía, Galicia, Comunidad de Madrid. He has been a reviewer of the National Science Foundation, USA. He has participated in the evaluation of teaching staff at universities around the world, including UK, USA and the United Arab Emirates. He has directed a total of 5 doctoral theses, one of them received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and two of them received the Social Council Award from the University of Cantabria.

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