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His Excellency Dr. Carlo Morabito

His Excellency Dr. Carlo Morabito's picture
Election date: 03/20/2025

Date of Entry: 





His Excellency Dr. Luis Alberto Otero González

Curriculum Vitae

(Cantinello, Italia, 1957) . He got the “Laurea” Degree (Summa cum laude) in Electronic Engineering at the University of Napoli (Italy), in 1985. Then, he served as Lieutenant at the Technical School of the Italian Army in Rome for two years. From 1987 to 1989, he worked at Selenia SpA, Rome, as Researcher at the Radar Department where was involved in the design of algorithms for Stripmap and Spotligth SAR also co-holding three patents on Tomographic Processing of SAR data.

He joined the University of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 1989 as researcher associate, then becoming Associate Professor (1998) and Full Professor (2001) of Electrical Engineering. He served as President of the Electronic Engineering Course (1998-1999) and of the Industrial Engineering Course (2014-2017), as member of the University’s Inner Evaluation Committee (2000-2001), as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (2001-2008), and member of the Bylaws Committee (2011-2012). He also served as Vice-Rector for Internationalization (2014-2022) and as Deputy Rector (2018). University Delegate European University Association (EUA), 2013-2021, Member of the National Committee for the Scientific Evaluation of Professor Candidates in Electrical Engineering (ASN), 2016-2018; Steering Committee Member Scientific Cooperation Agreement UNIRC – Italian Space Agency, 2020.

Member of the Italian Conference of Deans of the Faculty of Engineers, CoPI, Italy (2001-2008), Steering Committee Nember Italian Researchers Group in Electrical Engineering (2018-to date).

Didactics: Teacher of Electrical Engineering (1991-todate), Algorithm and Circuits for Signal Processing (2004-todate), Neural Networks (2007-2014), Neural engineering (2015-2022), and Nonlinear Circuits and Complex Networks (2010- 2016). He also taught at the EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland (Ph.D. Course, 1999), University of Naples, University of Messina, and University of Cosenza. He was a selected teacher at the Italian School of Doctorate in Electrical Engineering.

He also was lecturer at University of Chongqing, ETH Zurich, Korea University (Distinguished Lecturer in Brain and Cognitive Engineering), Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea. Visiting Researcher Max-Planck Institute fuer Plasmaphysiks, Munich, Germany, 1993-2001.

Publications: He is the author/co-author of 350+ papers on international journals/conferences, 40 book chapters, editor/co-editor of >20 international books. Scopus: 321 publications, 39 h-index, 5039 citations; Google Scholar: 43 h-index, 155 i-10 index, 7702 citations.

International Appointments and Awards: Foreign Member of Royal Academy of Doctors, Barcelona, Spain (2004-todate); Gold Medal “Henry Coanda”, Rumanian Academy for “Researches in Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems”, Iasi, Rumania (2003); Research Career Award AEDEM, Spain, 2002; 2017; President of the Italian Society of Neural Networks (SIREN), 2008-todate; Best Paper Award, International Journal of Neural Systems, Year 2021 (Vol. 31, No. 09, 2150038); Top 2% Cited Researchers, University of Stanford- Elsevier, 2020-2022, and whole career.

INNS Activity: INNS Member 1992; Senior Member 2006; INNS SIG Italy Chair (1997- to date); Member of the Board of Governors (2000-2002); Secretary (2003); Member of the Board of Governors (2004-2006;2007-2009;2010-2012); Chair of the Nomination Committee (2010,2011,2012), Member of Doctorate Award Committee (2020-2021), Member of INNS Doctorate Award Committee (2022), Vice-President for Public Relations (2022-), Associate Editor of Natural Intelligence Magazine (2012).

IJCNN Conference Activity: Tutorial Chair/Co-Chair: IJCNN 1999 Washington, 2000 Como, 2001 Washington, 2003 Portland, 2005 Montreal; INNS International Liaison IJCNN 2000, IJCNN Dallas 2013; European Liaison IEEE IJCNN Barcelona, Spain, 2010, Plenary Chair, IEEE-IJCNN 2015, Registration Chair, WCCI 2020, Glasgow, UK.

Special Sessions Organizer (many years); Panelist (three editions); Organizing Committee: 2005; Technical Committee Member: since 1999 Advisory Committee Member IEEE-ICIA 2008, China.

Other Conferences Activities (among others): Chair of the Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN), 2008-todate; Scientific Committee Member 1997- ; Steering Committee Member 2000- ; General Chair of ISIS’97, Reggio C., Italy; Co-Chair of MS’98, Minsk, Belarus; MS 2000, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain; MS 2002, Girona, Spain; Organizer Human Brain Diagnoses Symposium, 2000; Chair of 10th AEDEM, Reggio C., 2002; Chair of 11th SIGEF Congress, Reggio C. 2003; Advisory Committee Member IEEEICIA 2008, China; Honorary Chair AII’22, Reggio C.

Technical Committee Member: many conferences, among which SPIE Neural Nets, Independent Component Analysis, 2005-2012; EANN, European Conference on Artificial Neural Networks Applications; Editorial Board Member of IEEE Conferences: CEFC, COMPUMAG (1999-2018).

Organizer of cultural events in Italy (e.g. Brain, Intelligence and Technology, Reggio C., October 2011), Founder and “Award Committee Chair” Int. Sc. Prize “Eduardo R. Caianiello” for the Excellence in Neural Network Researches.

Editorial Activity: Associate Editor of Neural Networks (Elsevier), Editor-in-Chief Artificial Intelligence for Neurology (Frontiers); Editorial Board Member for: Renewable Energy (Elsevier); Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (Hindawi); Recent Patents in Computer Science (Bentham); Fuzzy Economy Review; Sensors (MDPI); Micro- and Nano-Sensing Journal, Intl. Journal of Information Acquisition.

COORDINATION OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: Senior Researcher Responsible for the ENEA/EURATOM/CREATE scientific agreement on “Plasma Disruption Prediction with Fuzzy Neural Techniques”, ASDEX-Upgrade, on “Plasma Diagnostics and Sensor Optimization with Neuro-Fuzzy Systems”, 2000-2001, Magnetic Diagnostics, “Gaps Estimation in ITER”, ITER, 2003, Max-Planck Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Munich, Germany, Local Unity Leader Italian Res. Project MURST, “Multidimensional Data Analysis with Neural Networks: Electromagnetics”, PRIN 1998, Local Unity Leader Italian Res. Project MURST, “Environmental Data Processing with Neural Networks”, PRIN 2000, Resp. for Unit Research of the Nat. Project MIUR/PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest) “MADEND” 2002 (Neural Networks and Circuits for Non Destructive Testing in Industry), Local Unity Leader Italian Research Project MIUR, “Methods and Appl. of Non-Destructive Electromagnetics Diagnostics, AMDE”, PRIN 2004; Scientific Leader and Coordinator of Nat. Project on the Generation of Universitary Spin-Off , “A Neuro-Fuzzy Chip for the Processing of Urban Pollution Data”, MIUR, Dipartimento per lo sviluppo e il potenziamento dell’attività di Ricerca, through the “Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della Calabria”, CALPARK, March 2003, Scientific Leader and Coordinator of National Research Project “Integrated Systems for Monitoring and Control of Electromagnetic Pollution”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment, 2003-2005, Unity Leader Project Italian Ministry of Health on “EEG Artefact Reduction”, 2014, Scientific Coordinator (2) MIUR Projects “Messaggeri della Conoscenza”, with Imperial College, London, UK and CERN, Geneva, CH, 2012-2014, Leader EU Sub-Program Application n°17, “Computational Intelligence Methods for Biomedical ICT in Neurological Diseases” within “Connect2SEA”, 7th EU Framework Program, 2015, Unity Leader two National Projects MUR, on Toward an Intelligent PyroElectrohydrodynamic micro-Rheometer – TIPER, 2023, and Intelligent holographic image-Based differentiaL diagnOsis Of hereDitary anemias – iBLOOD, 2023, Unity Leader Project “FaPerMe” Ministry of Health, Italy.

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