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Curriculum Vitae

(Romanian, 1949). Governor of the National Bank of Romania. Member of the Romanian Academy. President of the Economic, Law, and Sociological Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy.
II. Main public positions held to date: Governor of the National Bank of Romania – appointed by the Government in 1990; tenure granted by Parliament in 1991; tenure renewed by the Parliament in December 1998 and in November 2004. Prime Minister of Romania – for 12 months (December 1999 - December 2000).
Positions held in international bodies: Governor for Romania in the IMF’s Board of Governors; Vice Governor for Romania in the World Bank’s Board of Governors; Vice Governor for Romania in the EBRD’s Board of Governors; President of the Central Bank Governors’ Club in the Region of Black Sea, Balkans and Central Asia; Member of the Advisory Committee of the Regional Office for Europe and CIS within UNDP; Member of the Club of Rome and president of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome; Member of the Trilateral Commission.
III. Scientific titles and academic degrees: Member of the Romanian Academy since 2006; corresponding member since 2001; President of the Economic, Law, and Sociological Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy (since 2006); Honorary President of the National Institute of Economic Research – Bucharest (since 2000); Scientific coordinator of doctoral theses in economy – the Romanian Academy and the Academy of Economics in Bucharest; Professor, Academy of Economics in Bucharest – Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchanges Faculty since 1996 (university assistant since 1975; lecturer since 1990; professor at “Universitatea de Vest” in Timisoara since 1993); Senior researcher (1st degree) at the Institute of World Economy since 1990 (researcher since 1971, 3rd degree researcher since 1980).
Other scientific titles: Doctor Honoris Causa of Pitesti University (2006); Doctor Honoris Causa of Craiova University (2003); Doctor Honoris Causa of “Universitatea de Nord” in Baia Mare (2000).
Others: Founding member of the Romanian Economics Society – SOREC (1993); Vice-President of the General Association of Economists in Romania – AGER; Member of the Romanian Numismatic Society; Vice-President of the Association for International Law and International Relations – ADIRI.
IV. Educational background: Ph.D. in Economics – doctoral thesis titled “Tendinte în politica guvernamentala a cursurilor de schimb pe plan international si incidenta lor asupra relatiilor economice externe ale României”, scientific coordinator Professor Costin Kiritescu, Ph.D., delivered at the Academy of Economics in Bucharest (1989). Academy of Economics in Bucharest, Faculty of Commerce, specialising in Foreign Trade (1967-1971). Theoretical High-School in Dragasani (1963-1967). “Nicolae Balcescu” Middle School in Dragasani (1956-1963).
V. Scientific activity and published works: Published over 300 papers (author, co-author, coordinator)
VI. Orders, decorations, diplomas and awards: The National Order “The Star of Romania” Grand Cross grade, 2000; The Order “The Industrial and Commercial Merit”, Romania, 2007; The Order “Grand Officer of the South Cross”, Brazilian decoration awarded to foreigners, Bucharest, 1999 and the Order “The Grand Cross of the South”, the most important Brazilian decoration granted to foreigners, 2000; The Moldavian Cross – the highest decoration granted by the Metropolitan Churches of Moldavia and Bucovina, 2000; The Cross of Saint Andrew – the highest decoration awarded by the Galati Bishopric, 2000; The Cross of Transylvania – the highest decoration awarded by de the Metropolitan Church of Transylvania, 2001; The Cross of the Patriarchate – the highest decoration awarded by the Romanian Patriarchate, 2002; “Central Banker of the Year”, “The Banker” (Financial Times Group), 2002; Le Prix de la Fondation (Crans Montana Forum), 2006 ; The Prize for Professional Excellency awarded by Formula AS, 2002; The Prize for Economic Performance awarded by TOP BUSINESS, 2002; Banker of the Year 2002, PIATA FINANCIARA, 2002; Banker of the Decade, REVISTA CAPITAL, 2002; Special Prize awarded by Bucharest Business, 2005; “Mr. RON”, Saptamâna Financiara, 2005; Professor emeritus (The Association of Professors of Economics in Romania), 2006 Citizen of Honour of the city of Sibiu – the European Capital of Culture, 2007.

Full CV
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