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The world I experience it


We live in a world full of controversies, the majority of which are the result of the many conflicts that arise in the public sphere. One of the greatest confusions of our times is the climate change. Whilst the IPCC is attempting to demonstrate, even with the last Report IV, that the latest changes in the climate and the changes in the weather are the results of human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, whilst others want to demonstrate that that these processes have an insignificant influence on the human species. In the multitude of arguments on both sides it can be difficult to find the correct answer. Vaclas Klaus, one of the notable anti-globalists, is perhaps the one who has come closest to a reply with the following words: Nobody who has not lived under communism can fail to understand the ecological movements of today. This story has a great deal of space in daily life, on the one hand with many menaces to our rapid end, whilst on the other hand we hear everything to the contrary.
Nothing further removed is the confusion surrounding economic problems, particularly on the financial and economic crisis. But we cannot accept the manner of measuring the quality of life. GDP is the parameter which was rejected by many as authorised. HDI, is something alittle more acceptable, frequently mentioned as being very fluid well-being, while others such as GINI, GPI, HEWI, ISEW no one likes to consider them as absolute. In this situation consideration is still given to the territories of the great economists of previous centuries, while others are seeking a new economy. What appears to be accepted by globalists is to find a common denominator between values, the environment and the economy. Some even suggest that while some are printing money, other are spending it and for this reason it is going to be difficult to find correct solutions.
The problems with power and energy do not leave us less indifferent. The question of cheap energy, the relation of conventional energies and new and renewable sources of energy are all very hot subjects that are menacing the aggressive, particularly the ecologist, in order to make us poorer. A specific example is the commerce of gases with a greenhouse effect. Much agitation in favour of completely new forms which fall down no sooner than something occurs such as the winter of this year. Thus, in Germany, not too long agothe closing of nuclear power stations was highly praised in politics, but these were started up again last winter. A particularly interesting matter is the role of modern science. Although science is an activity that is based on observations, measurements and analysis, the pressure on its integrity and even more frequently the attempts to create a consensus of scientists and those in power has never been greater. The consensus of politicians is generally the result of the pressure exerted by certain interested groups. Therefore today the principle problems are not the climate change, the economic crisis, energy and power, but the use of scientific achievements of the groups of interest which hope to govern the world.
What establishes the most important question is: Yes we are living in a movement in which several groups such as Tri-bilateral Commission, Bildberg Group, Magicians, Foreign Affairs Council, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Economists and others, or Goldman Sachs Bank, Moody, Standard & Poors and similar govern our lives by means of manipulation of citizens, governments, communications media and particularly with scientific data.
It would appear that the simplest form of this state of confusion is the words of Shakespeare: “The world is stage and all the men and women merely players”.

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