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Fuzzy estimation of quality of the socioeconomic systems


Current report reviews fuzzy methods of definition of quality of socioeconomic system. For the purpose of this study, socioeconomic system is considered as aggregate of social, economic system, and processes of social mobility, as well as conditional factors of social quality.
The report consists of four sections. In the first section investigated social system as a set of economic, social, political, spiritual and natural environments. On the basis of the information of the International Organizations and expert opinions tabular forms of fuzzy models of these environments are developed. For the solution of the problems corresponding to the models, the method of the fuzzy weighted rules is offered. In the second section, the tabular fuzzy model is offered for definition of quality of the economic system. The problem corresponding to these models also requires a method of the fuzzy weighted rules. In the third section, qualities of process of social mobility are investigated. For the solution of this problem the concept of fuzzy time series, the fuzzy graph
and a linguistic Markov chain are applied. In the fourth section conditional factors of social quality such as social and economic protection, social integration, social inclusion and the social right are
studied. Fuzzy method is offered to define quality of these factors.
The above mentioned problems are studied on the basis of data available for Azerbaijan for 2008-2010. In the conclusion, using the method of the forgotten effects offered by professors of A.Kofmann and J.Gil-Aluja, degrees of the latent influences of corruption, democracy, labor productivity, level of taxation and ecology to the basic social indicators are defined.

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